New Cannibals is a tribe of acclaimed creative transformation consultants fixated on driving business growth through innovative re-invention. We thrive on uncertainty, and cook up human recipes that defy normality and co-create future stories
New Cannibals é uma tribo de consultores de transformação criativa aclamados, concentrados em impulsionar o crescimento dos negócios por meio de liderança inovadora. Nós prosperamos na incerteza e inventamos receitas humanas que desafiam a normalidade e cocriam histórias futuras.
We help businesses and individuals shake off the shackles of traditional thinking to create and capture new sources of value. We challenge existing business models and harness the unexpected, the possible and unique - to create agile business and individual performance that sets us apart from other tribes.
Ajudamos empresas e indivíduos a se livrarem dos grilhões do pensamento tradicional para criar e capturar novas fontes de valor. Nós desafiamos os modelos de negócios existentes e aproveitamos o inesperado, o possível e o único - para criar negócios ágeis e desempenho individual que nos diferencia de outras tribos
We believe in creating the 'NEW Traditional ', where people and business develop a sense of nostalgia for the now, not the past. By creatively working with organisations to dis-member the past - in an honourable way, we can liberate innovation and value for a wider eco-system, and create empowering cultures for the benefit of self, teams, organisations and society.
Acreditamos que somente aproveitando a experiência de seu talento - você pode realmente criar experiências memoráveis centradas no cliente. A hora é AGORA para alcançar o inesperado e derrotar seus inimigos. Crie histórias - não apenas conte para elas!
..as the Covid 19 Pandemic challenges innovators around the world - New Cannibals is a key part of a project to reduce the incidence of Cytokine Storms - particularly in young sufferers through the introduction of CBD into the lungs. In a world of Paradigm shifts this crisis has taken agile, fast innovation by doing to a new level of intensity in the same way it did after Swine Flu.
2019 was the first year of the Tribe - what a year!! We have worked with people from over 30 creative agencies, Fortune 500 Companies, Global NGO's and some of the worlds most astonishing human beings. Plus delivering challenging interventions at events on 4 Continents and building new technology solutions for forward-thinking leaders. This is just the beginning - we can see 2020 will be a special year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the special people in our eco-system that made the dream of New Cannibals a reality in 2019 ..let's create more #warparties around the world together.
New Cannibals is orchestrating a revolutionary eco-system of intracompany open innovation that will challenge pre-conceived ideas and traditions around competitive business vs innovation with purpose. Launching at one of the worlds biggest Creative events in the middle of next year - this will herald a new direction for companies that don't want to wait for Governments to lead the way.
A provocative exchange with Senior Marketers from Mastercard, Unicef and others with One Philosophy Group in Ukraine in September:
"The Best and with no overestimation, the most useful lecture/talk I’ve been so far in years. The world is changing faster and in a more profound way, most of us realize. Those drastic changes are crucial to know for those willing not only to adapt, however, to be valuable, to be creating and capturing value, to be building and transforming a new future already today."
New Cannibals completes the second phase of Agency re-imagination - with the launch of a 2020 Commercial Approach to liberate a 20% increase in revenue through Innovation Hub build and new client relationships.
Agency Transformation is more about shifting from a capacity to a productivity mindset and then linking that to value rather than activity based costing models #Capacityisamindset
Innovation in support of Combined Therapies is vital in order to breath life into new Pharma relationships, particularly in the Oncology field - this will legitimise Patient Centricity and Social Purpose. New Cannibals is supporting agencies in the development of new platforms that aid consultative decision making, and a shift to benefits based relationships.
Listen to a New Cannibals Introduction - OUÇA A INTRODUÇÃO DA NEW CANNIBALS (wav)
Looking Forward to the New Cannibals WarParty at the WEB Summit 2020
A Global Roll-out to drive new industry relationships based on Social Purpose
Collaborative Workshops on Creative Leadership to support diversity and inclusion at DDB in 2019-2020
A complete re-imagination of one of Germany's top healthcare agencies - shifting to a new value creation model
Warrior talk on the future of education
New Cannibals is commited to supporting the Chimbu Tribe of Papua New Guinea. The SING SING Goroka Festival at Mount Hagen is a gathering of tribes - where men, women and children of the tribes have become famous for their spectacular and haunting make-up. The festival of dance and traditional activities which happens once a year, drives much needed tourist revenue to the region and increased visibility. The leaders of the festival actively encourage photography, to promote the event. It is hoped that through this exposure the tribes will continue to thrive sustainably under the guidance of the government, and with the empathy of society #singsing2019
In particular we would like to credit the photographic genius of Timothy Allen .
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